Monday 21 August 2017

Love is Earned!

I have been thinking whether or whether not. Its not always so easy to state your position on a few issues that already attract a myriad of conflicting opinions and views. So this is me being frank and objective AMAP.

So I know a lot of you have seen many of very familiar posts on social media that recite all the reasons why a man isn't a real man, or attempt to advice men on why they must treat a woman right at all times and all that. I came across one of those yesterday, and it got me really thinking; not for the first time, but more carefully, especially in the light of some personal experiences in the recent past...

If certain things disqualifies a man from being a 'real man', like inability to take care of his woman, lack of focus, being flirtatious, lazy and all the other reasons that come to mind, shouldn't there also be certain things that disqualify a woman/lady from being a 'real woman' and justifies a man who refuses taking such a lady serious? While I will leave to you the many reasons that can disqualify a lady from being 'real', one is particularly troubling to me, and seems to me can be said of many young ladies now a days. There isn't such a turn off as a lady who has no foresight, focus, industry or even a mere thought of what direction she would love her life to go in 365 days; a lady who just lives satisfactory in here and now.

Don't get me wrong, women are beautiful creatures, who deserve special care and concern, who deserve to be treated as though they were taken out of men, because indeed they were. However, I strongly believe that being a real man or woman, goes way beyond biology. Men and women alike should EARN any kinds of special treatment from their partners. If he/she isn't worth all the trouble, please feel free to take your search elsewhere...

Shout out to all the hard working, industrious, purposeful and goal-oriented men and women out there. We all deserve the very best, and I do hope we get what we deserve.

It is POssible!

This one is going to be really short, so you can read all of it in 60 seconds. I have delayed writing anything about this election until now...