Friday 21 June 2024

What Are You Waiting for Exactly!?


Hey guys,

So, I have been away for awhile I know, but who is keeping tabs right!?

Anyways, I am trying this blog thing again, and this time, I am deciding to share my journal with y'all, basically, just let you in on what's going on with me and in me, as much as I can. 😆😆

So recently, I was in a conversation with a very young eligible bachelor who is really wanting to settle down in marriage, but is still scared about all the unanswered questions that come with such a huge step.  Interestingly, in my opinion (even though he will beg to differ), this guy has a good number of options, but is just scared to make the move. How can I make sure that I am making the very best choice? What if she changes into something I do not know right after marriage? Why can't God just hand-pick her for me? What if we don't turn out to be good for each other eventually? I cannot deal with the baggage of divorce, what if she wants to call it quit? 

These are legitimate fears, but are they enough to hold you back? I don't think so. In my opinion, you will never have it all figured out. In fact, I really think that deciding about marriage is roughly 30-40% logic and 60-70% faith. As long as you are able to determine that they share the same values and core principles as you about religion and life, they are fine enough for you to stare at their poop in the toil*t 😜, and they have a sense of decency and decorum, mehn the rest is all just a huge leap of faith; one that you take knowing fully well that whatever is down there, you will have no choice but to live with it when you touch down. 😊 That's my two cent, but then again, watin I know kwanu? 

Anyways, how did you (if you have) answer these questions? If you didn't find all the answers, how did you find enough courage to take the leap with a few doubts remaining? My bachelor friend will definitely be reading this. 

Please share your thoughts in the comment section.  Also enter your email in the top right corner of the blog so I can share future content straight to your inbox. Thanks



  1. I think when you meet the person, fear/doubt is subject to faith. You want to just do it. Arguably, it's impossible to have anything all figured out. It comes with experience.

  2. Thanks for your comment. Indeed, it comes with experience this person and making a judgment based on what you can see

  3. Even if God himself handpicked one’s spouse, there still will be ups and downs.
    If anyone has more doubts than assurance about a potential spouse, it just might be God telling you to look else where. God does not author confusion.
    However, if you were to marry you, would you?

    1. Wow! Thank you for your comment. The last question in your comment is really food for thought


Thanks for taking the time to read. I will like to hear from you, kindly leave me your thoughts.

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