Sunday, 17 July 2016



The dawn of Saturday, July 16, 2016, may have been another beautiful morning for you, but it certainly wasn't for Turkey; the government had been compromised, the military had left the barracks, what seems to be the military counterpart of a revolution had occurred, there had been a military coup!

The coup which, according to report, began at 21:30 on the eve of July 16, was believed to have been staged by a faction of the Turkish army. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had been on a vacation within the country when the coup plotters struck blocking two major bridges in Istanbul and seizing the Turkish Parliament in the Turkish capital - Ankara. By dawn, the Turkish government reported that the coup had failed and the government was fully in control.

Whatever the 'triggers' of the coup; attempts by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to transform the state into an Islamic brotherhood state, or pressures and reactions from Kurdish insurgency and terrorist attacks, Turkish democracy has been badly challenged, and that has serious implications. Again, although some skeptics have argued that the incident of Friday night wasn't a real military coup, but a false flag; alluding to the fact that no government official was captured prior to the coup, the President was also not captured, and infact the time of the coup was suggestive, whatever the case, there has been a coup - fake or real, with real consequences unfortunately.

If President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had only intended to use the coup as a means of strengthening his grip of government; making the coup a false flag, unfortunately that  trick would only succeed for a very short time, and if it was actually a failed coup, it is most likely that, not too long from now, there would be another attempt, and another, if there are no visible changes in the Turkish domestic and foreign policies in the months and years ahead.
For whatever it is worth, the recent and unfortunate incident in Turkey sends a message to governments across the globe; there is always a limit to injurious policies, and when 'the people' are pressured to the limits, they surely would respond in a revolution (civilian response) or a coup d'etat (military response). Democracy would only make sense as long as government is responsible to 'the people', including the armed forces.

At least 200 people have died, more than 1,100 wounded and 6,000 arrested over the coup attempt. The Turkish coup has also, since, been condemned domestically and internationally by NATO, the EU, and ME! 😊 

Erdoğan has been Turkish President since 2003, and leads an Islamist cabinet. He has also faced increasing pressures owing to the Kurdish insurgency in the south-east, and a series of ISIS terrorist attacks.

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