Friday, 29 July 2016



Back to back, the national convention of the two major political parties in the US have been concluded; the Republican National Convention preceding the Democratic National Convention, holding from July 18 - 21, 2016 in Cleveland and July 25 - 28, 2016 in Philadelphia respectively. Gradually, a process that began some two years or so ago with prominent candidates like: Dr. Ben Carson (world renowned Neurosurgeon); Ted Cruz (Texas senator); John Kasich (currently two-term governor of Ohio); Marco Rubio (Florida senator since 2011); Jeb Bush (brother to ex-president George Bush, son of George Bush Snr.); Carly Fiorina (former boss of Hewlett Packard and executive at AT&T); Jim Webb (former Virginia senator and US Secretary of Navy); Lincoln Chafee (former senator and governor of Rhode Island); Bernie Sanders (independent senator from Vermont); among others, have been narrowed to two major candidates; Donald Trump (Republican Nominee) and Hillary Clinton (Democratic Nominee), and come Tuesday, November 8, 2016, one of these two individuals would be voted to replace President Barack Obama in the Oval Office.
The 2016 US elections hasn't been without it's usual intrigue and suspense. Donald Trump; a business man, has been a very interesting candidate in the race for the White House and several political commentators and analysts in and out of America have expressed varied views and concerns about his candidacy, policies and probable win come November. However, what remains a speculation is whether or not Trump would pull through with all his policy intentions, and only time would reveal that to us. 
In 2008, history was made as Americans, from all the choices before them, choose a 'regular Black Senator' from Illinois to be their President. Hillary Clinton has been another very interesting candidate in the November race for the White House. Contesting and loosing to Obama in 2008, Clinton seemed to have kept her eye on the Oval Office, and eight years later; having supported Obama's government and administration, Clinton seems to have gotten Obama and, indeed, America's nod to become, in the history of the United States of America, the FIRST female to be nominated as the Presidential flag bearer by a major political party in the US, and FIRST female Presidential hopeful of the United States of America.
The conventions have ended, the game is still on, Americans are making up their minds, who is going to become the 45th President of the United States of America? 

It's indeed going to be a 'November to Remember'!

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