This one is going to be really short, so you can read all of it in 60 seconds.
I have delayed writing anything about this election until now, not like I had a plan, but somehow I just haven’t brought myself to do it, even though I have really wanted to say something so badly! Maybe because I was struggling with the dilemma of whether or not to be partisan. But hey, I am a Nigerian too, and I want to see a ‘New Nigeria’ that works!
Here is something one of my senior colleagues had to say about the election, particularly the Presidential election; “Talking about the possibility of creating a Malaysia out of Nigeria, objectively, there is no other candidate as Mr Peter Obi, but then, Nigeria presents a complexity that goes beyond meet the eye…”.
The politics of Nigeria is scary and goes way beyond logic, but frankly all we have to do is keep trying, and here is one of the best opportunities we ever had to TRY something a lot different. I have always had the believe that our ‘messiah’ in Nigeria cannot come from among them, yet there is one from among them this time that appears like a ‘messiah’.
PO will not give us all the answers, but he would give us something to look forward to which will be different, largely, from what we have known in the last 24 years. Let’s take the chance guys, there is so much at stake!
Having the PVCs is not enough guys! We need to go out there this time and use them! All the elections are important, but we have our eyes on Saturday, February 25th.
I BELIEVE THAT A NEW NIGERIA IS POssible! If you do too, just say ‘POSSIBLE’ in the comment section! 🥂