Wednesday, 11 May 2016


A preacher described Nigeria as an Airbus traveling through space (at an estimated speed) with approximately 170+ million passengers. With the proliferation of online blogs (on gist, gossip, entertainment, 'amebo', politics, celebrity, life...), we can argue that the number of blogs registered by Nigerians is almost nearing the population of Nigerians themselves...

Nigeria is currently going through one of the most trying times in her history as a sovereign state (second to the time of the civil war). The economy is dwindling, foreign exchange has skyrocketed, militancy is rearing its ugly head again, public office holders are becoming regular visitors in the docks in our judicial houses, and oil price has just 'officially' reached its all-time highest... The list goes on...

I have decided, after several attempts over the years, to publish a blog where I can share informed perspectives on the many issues in Nigeria and elsewhere. I hope this attempt stands the test of time. All I ask of you is one favour; LET THE WHOLE WORLD KNOW YOU WERE HERE... (leave a comment and share the link) 😉

Welcome again!

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