Monday 1 July 2024

USA 2024 Elections: A future in the Balance

Happy new month guys! 

Now more than ever, the future of the United States appears to be hanging in the balance. If for nothing else, the first Presidential debate on Thursday June 27, was a mouth-full (for lack of a better word). Analysts have argued that the debates fell far short of what it ought to have been and the reasons are not far fetched. I will spare you the bore of repeating the obvious (and not surprising) narcissistic display of Donald Trump and the frailty of President Biden. Here are my own thoughts on the November elections and the future of the USA.

  1. Leadership Personality. With the lingering crisis between Russia and Ukraine and the seeming ‘hard head’ of Benjamin Netanyahu in the crisis with Hamas, not to mention the interesting personality of Kim Jong Un, it is more and more evident that the individual personality of the leader should be of utmost concern in leadership selection and/or ascension. Trumps arguable narcissistic personality is not healthy for the American state and throws up a lot of uncertainties for the future of the US if he is re-elected.
  2. Gerontocracy. Trump and Biden are 78 and 81 years old respectively. Leadership by old people appears fashionable in most parts of the world (including the West, interestingly). They are wiser, they have more experience, they are more emotionally mature to take decisions in national interest, and so on. Well, younger people have also proven to have similar attributes. If a society decides to elect a grandpa as President, they should plan on employing the services of a ‘carer’ at some point. 
  3. Foreign Policy. This is the crux of the matter. As the US enjoys ‘poking their nose’ in virtually every nations business, a Trump presidency hold a bleak picture of what policy the US will hold towards ‘rogue states’ and even allies. While it is expected that Biden will retain his internationalist world view, Trump’s policy is likely to be formulated in the ‘spur of the moment’ and that is too dangerous for a state like the US.
  4. Homeland Security. It beat global imagination that President Trump would sit in his office while his supporters looted the Capitol on January 6, 2021, just few weeks to inaugurating the next President. Homeland security entrusted again to him is just a ‘game of chance’. Immigration, gun control, reproductive rights, accountability and tolerance of opposition will remain arguable uncertain for the duration of a Trump return.

The list goes on! But at the end of the day, #AmericaDecides. My advice, the Republicans and Democrats should field more worthy candidates in the future, it’s already too late in this election cycle for that. As it stands, it’s either the ‘devil’ or the ‘deep blue sea’. So, best of luck to the United States come November 2024 and beyond.


1 comment:

  1. I watched it and I’m just here to say...politicians everywhere dey on colos!!!


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