Hey there...
So I was listening to the radio yesterday and came across this conversation that I found rather thought provoking and I thought to share with you... here it is!
This certain guy (let’s call him Maxwell) is known in his neighborhood for womanizing; he brings a different lady home almost every night for a sleepover. Unfortunately, on this day, he brings home Cynthia who unknown to him is asthmatic. In the middle of the night, Cynthia has an attack as a result of rigorous sexual activity (or for whatever reason) and sadly she doesn’t make it through the night, despite Maxwell doing everything within his power (except taking her to the hospital) to help the lady and save the situation. Poor boy!
Of course the police is involved and Maxwell is in detention awaiting trial.
So before y’all begin to judge for trying to live the ‘good life’ 🤪, take a chill pill. The deed has been done already, so leave Maxwell to reflect a little behind bars while he awaits his trial.
But here is where you come in; drop a word of advice for a potential Cynthia and Maxwell out there. If you were to advice Cynthia and/or Maxwell before the ordeal,
Don’t fall hand abeg, use the comment section 🙏🏽🙏🏽