Tuesday, 28 May 2019


It’s May 27th and it’s Memorial Day in the US; a holiday to celebrate military veterans who have have served, are serving or have fallen in service. Sure it sounds like any other holiday, but it holds a lot more meaning...

The military in my country; Nigeria, no doubt, serve under very horrible and deprived conditions. These harsh environment and ingratitude from those they serve have made them violent, angry, unfriendly and oppressors of those they are supposed to protect. This is the sad reality! On the other hand, I don’t know so much about the US military, but I have had a few experiences that have been eye opening. I’ll share two experiences quickly...

First, I was onboard a domestic flight in the US and I had a US army officer seated a few rows in from of me. I noticed that more than 90% of the passengers who boarded after me kept saying to the officer, “THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!” some even went as far as shaking his hand as they said “THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!”. I have noticed such complements several other times since then, but this one time stood out because it felt like everyone who said “THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!” was told to do so, but I am certain they weren’t. Second, I walked into a store wearing this US navy t-shirt I bought at a boutique. After picking up the things I wanted and went to pay at the counter, the sales representative asked me “ARE YOU MILITARY?” I said NO. And she went on “I THOUGHT YOU WERE MILITARY CAUSE OF YOUR T-SHIRT, I WAS GOING TO GIVE YOU A DISCOUNT”. Wow! These are very little things right? I bet they are some of the very little secrets that keep the morale of the US military boosted, promotes love for country, encourages effective, efficient and friendly serve to civilians and country. 

What if we did a little more to show our Nigerian military that we appreciate their service? What if every organization (private and public) had some independent plan for honoring the women and men who serve? What if we the citizens did a little more to show that we do appreciate their courage and sacrifice on our behalf? I think we would have a military we can be proud about. 

We ought to celebrate our military everyday, not only on January 15th. To all the officers, rank and file of the Nigerian Military (Army, Navy and Air Force), THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE EVEN IN DIFFICULT CIRCUMSTANCES!


IG: @dr_mykk

Sunday, 19 May 2019


On Wednesday May 15th 2019, Kay Ivey; Governor of the state of Alabama, signed the 

"Human Life Protection Act" into law. Everyone has been talking and even ‘walking’ about/against it, and am sure you may already know the whole gist, but let me fill you in a little more.

So the bill was initiated and supported by mostly conservative lawmakers (Republicans) in the state assembly, and appears the most stern legislation against abortion in the US at the moment. It makes no exemptions for victims of rape or incest and recommends a 10-years jail term for Doctors who ‘attempt’ the procedure, and 99 years for Doctors who perform the procedure. Under this law, abortion is permitted for only three reasons: to avoid serious health risk to the unborn child’s mother; for ectopic pregnancies; and if the unborn child has a lethal anomaly.

Here is what a friend of mine had to say about it. “It is the will of God for every life formed in the womb to live and fulfill destiny. It is also the plan of God for everyone confronted with  issues such as conception (pregnancy) as a result of rape or other life threatening issues to the mother to first seek His wisdom and counsel. Medical opinion, psychologists recommendation is great but not authority. What would God have you do?” While I think this is a very frank and valid position, I am afraid this generation really doesn’t care anymore about what God would have us do, we are rather occupied with fights for our rights, freedom, and equality, among others. Fantastic fights by the way, but unfortunately not so much victory to show for it. Of course we must fight on, but I believe ‘what God would have us do’ is key to more wins. 

Back to the matter. I have been thinking whether to share my thoughts on this issue, but well, here you are! My first worry though is; WHILE THE DOCTOR WHO PERFORMED THE PROCEDURE IS IN JAIL FOR 99 YEARS, WHAT HAPPENS TO THE PERSON ON WHOM THE PROCEDURE WAS DONE? Hmmm!

Anyways, I would try not to argue from a religious point, but rather from ‘reason’. So, two things! 

First of, I think abortion is SELFISH regardless of the cause of the pregnancy. I am not justifying rape or incest or even premarital sex (PMS). But if anyone is unfortunate to conceive by any of these means, it’s not about JUST YOU anymore, there is another life/lives involved. True, a victim of rape/incest/PMS has to deal with the trauma or guilt maybe for the rest of their life (but hopefully not), their life would be altered entirely because of a baby for whom they didn’t plan, and so on. But there’s someone else in the picture, so let’s not be SELFISH!

Secondly, I think the days are gone when rape or incest or even PMS should be used as excuse for abortion. I don’t know so much of how the female body works, but I know that even married people (who are supposed to have sex and make babies) choose which sex (or series of sex) they want to graduate into conception, and for the others they simple use contraceptives (you probably know more about this than me) to prevent conception from even taking place. So, if married people can prevent themselves from conception, why won’t a victim of an unfortunate sexual encounter (even more so) do the same? Someone may say that conception can still happen even after using ‘adequate’ contraceptives. Well, God would not appear in a white gown on your dinner table before you hear Him speak to you, would He? What if that is supposed to be your blessing in disguise? Anyway, even if you are not cut out for all this ‘religious stuff’, by first point above remains; DON’T BE SELFISH!

I am not trivializing the gravity of this issue. Abortion is a real challenge and a very sensitive one at that. That’s more reason why it requires caution and careful thought to make the best/wisest choice among available alternatives. And you better believe it, in very sensitive issues of this kind, the majority is almost always wrong. There is more, but I’ll rest my case.

Please let me know what you think. All of you that used to read and be sending me private messages (you know yourselves), drop your comment below a-beg! 

IG: @dr_mykk


Tuesday, 14 May 2019


First of all, apologies for not coming through with this last week. I decided to keep a few thoughts to myself, and I guess that’s okay right? Thanks for accepting my apologies!

So a friend asked me last week; “How did you realize you had found the right person to marry?” I know this is almost a cliche question, but trust me it is one of the most important cliche questions there are. I tried to answer her not as a professional (because I am not), but as someone who found MY ‘right person’. Notice I said ‘my right person’ not ‘the right person’. I’ll share some of my answer to her with you...

First, and most importantly (I think), how do you define ‘right person’? ‘Right person’ when it comes to marriage is a relative concept, because my right person may be different from yours. You may say that is obvious; two people can’t possibly marry the same person. I agree! But two people can marry two persons with similar values and principles, which to me is what determines who a person is, and whether they are right or wrong for something/anything. So the first question is; what values do you want in a husband/wife (which of these can you compromise and which of these values are non-negotiable)?

Many people say and believe that “there is someone for everyone”. I agree to the extent that everyone who wants someone eventually finds someone to be with, not that God specially created someone for anyone. Because if that was the case, a woman who lost her ‘someone’ in less than two years of marriage will not find another ‘someone’ to love and marry. Definitely it can’t be the same person as the first marriage, but it is definitely ‘someone’ for them too. 

You know, matters of the heart are complex and spiritual too, and need careful thought and prayer. Unfortunately, society is messed up; many kids are marrying kids, many fools are raising fools and some even prefer to marry their pets (I can’t describe the disgust I felt the day I overheard a group of ladies talking about how they felt making love to their dogs). Hmm! They say we should not judge *lips sealed*

I guess my point is; marriage is blissful if you choose YOUR RIGHT PERSON carefully and prayerfully. Don’t also stay careful and praying and menopause (or it’s male counterpart) catches up with you. Marriage is also a HUGE LEAP OF FAITH! God can help you find the balance!

Please leave your thoughts in the comment section!


IG: @dr_mykk

Trump’s Attempted Assassination: The ‘Morning’ After.

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