Monday, 3 December 2018

“On the Couch with Falz and Laila”

Hey guys! Yeah, I have been MIA for several weeks now, and I apologize. Guess I have been getting used to being a husband, after marrying the love of my life in July 2018 (I’ll start the new year with a special feature on my beautiful wife, you don’t want to miss that). *wink* Well, a lot has been happening lately in Nigeria, and just some brief thoughts on something I think is fascinating. It’s not the first place you may have heard about it though.

On the 10th of August 2018, Folarin Falana Esq. (popularly known as FALZ) and Laila Johnson Salami released the Episode 1 and Season 1 of a YouTube channel dubbed ‘On the Couch with Falz and Laila’, and in that episode they had a very critical 33 minutes of interactions with Mr. Fela Durotoye; a renowned Entrepreneur and life coach who is running for President of Nigeria in 2019 under the Alliance for New Nigeria (ANN) party. Since August 10, ‘On the Couch with Falz and Laila’ have hosted 9 presidential aspirants... Here is what I think about setting up and being ‘On the Couch’!

Nigeria’s two decades of democracy (come May 2019) can be likened to... (I have a lot of things on my mind, you can imagine) a family where children are born to parent to whom they really have no choice in (in our case, PDP and APC), I’ll let you decide who the Dad and Mum is in the Nigerian case. *smile* This isn’t funny though, but somehow the children in my illustration (Nigerians) always find a way to lighten up the mood in the home (Nigeria). But you know what, at some point, the children (Nigerians) come of age and they get to deal with the real issues; and may even walk away from their parents (PDP and APC) if nothing seems to be changing. I think we are at that point; WE HAVE COME OF AGE!

Enough of the illustrations, back to ‘On the Couch’. Not only will Falz and Laila be voting for the first time as Nigerians in 2019 and represent another over 14million Nigerians who will also be voting for the first time in 2019, but having presidential aspirants in front of the camera to respond to several spontaneous questions is a move that I think is noble and provides insight into some of the very little things about those who wish to represent us. Presidential debates in Nigeria have arguably remained a facade, even in cases where they have been held, your guess is as good as mine on the logistics and protocol involved. Now, I know the presidential candidates of our ‘Dad’ and ‘Mum’ may never sit ‘On the Couch’, but that shouldn’t be a surprise; Nigerian children will traditionally not put their parents on the spot. I am trying as hard as possible to remain unbiased in this piece, and I pray I succeed.

What is your point Myk!? Nigerians are becoming ‘democratic adults’; ‘On the Couch’ is one of such evidences of demanding critical and accountable leaders for ourselves, but Falz and Laila can’t do this job alone. If we must make a statement and let ‘our parents’ know how we feel, then WE MUST DO IT TOGETHER! The young people (and even old) must determine to vote for a Nigeria that will not break down when we need it the most to be strong for us (our children and their children, and children’s children). I don’t feel like I let it all out in this one piece, but I think it’s a safe place to leave it and still be as critical as possible.

Here is a link to the most recent episode of ‘On the Couch’.

Kindly share your thoughts on the program and this write-up too. Let’s hear from you please!

Thursday, 5 July 2018


So I am super excited today! Several reasons are responsible for this super excitement that I feel today... I, in fact feel like I am the only human on the mind of God, because I count my blessings and I am overwhelmed!

Firstly, I am three decades old today (July 6th). I thank God for life and good health to have lived three whole decades on this sick planet. I honestly wish one very special friend had not slept before now; one that almost knew me like the palm of his hand, but I will continue to cherish our memories G until I see you again! πŸ™πŸ½ So, it’s been 30 eventful years; I had dreams and God has brought every single one to pass. I don’t want to bore you with the details; those who know know, God is still being faithful to me...

Secondly, one of my dreams was to get married before I am 30, and just so you know how amazing God is, am getting married in exactly 24 days. You think that’s not an answered prayer? Let me give you some details here... so one year ago I was babe-less, single as a monk, but I kept hope alive. Few months into the new year, I got the ‘green light’ that set me on the path that’s leading me to July 29th and into forever with my best friend. Honestly ehnn, God has been in the business of answering prayers since 0BC (even before time began). You should try Him!

What better way to mark my 30th birthday, than by saying farewell to bachelorhood in a bit? πŸ˜‰ I am really hopeful for the new year and am sure it’s going to be more glorious than all the others before, but in the meantime, let me worry my head about where to spend my honeymoon 😜

So, of course life goes on.... Cheers to two more sets of 3 decades plus in fine health πŸ₯‚ ... But sure I can do with a few words of advise from you; THAT COULD BE YOUR BEST BIRTHDAY GIFT TO ME. Please feel free to send me a few thoughts (via SMS, WhatsApp, DM, Calls or the comment section of this post) on areas where you think I deserve commendations and those in which I require improvements. I really would love to hear from you!

O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. I looked unto him, and was lightened: and my face was not ashamed.” Psalm 34:3-5



Friday, 29 June 2018

My Thoughts On Viral Dooms Day Voice Note (VN)

So the unfortunate incident of the PMS tanker explosion happened on Thursday, June 28, 2018, and since then this VN has gone viral about a certain man calling out some dates and some transport companies and asking listeners to avoid traveling in or out of Lagos using any of the mentioned transport companies on those dates stated... I do feel strongly to react to this VN, which I have received from at least 7 of my contacts already. 

Before I go into my reactions on the VN, kindly allow me to state the following:

  1. This reaction may be somewhat long and maybe even inconclusive, owing to the ‘weight’ of the subject matter.
  2. I am neither a clergy nor a Professor in religion, but just a Christian who loves and studies God’s word.
  3. The views expressed in this reaction are obviously centered around Christianity only.
  4. I also kindly request that you drop your religious bias as much as possible while reading this. I will be as biblically logical as possible too in presenting my thoughts.
  5. Kindly share this reaction as wide as possible if you find it helpful in whatever way.
  6. Feel free to contact me for further discussion privately, should you have any reactions to this reaction.

It is no news that terrible times are upon us. Even from history, there have been serious moments of persecution and killings; particularly of God’s people during the Dark Ages. Several scriptural references also confirm that terrible events still lay ahead (Matt 24; Luke 21). In fact, Luke warns that just before Jesus’ second return;

“...there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.” (Luke 21:25-26)

Therefore scripture sufficiently warns that the days in which we live are evil, and whatever we think we have experienced or are experiencing, are only just the beginning. Calling out just a few dates in June, July and August and marking them for doom leaves a few things to worry about, for instance;

  • First, are these the only days that we should expect doom or danger? Can we be certain that after the advertised dates are over, we can rest from all the doom?
  • Second, even if the predictions on these dates come to pass, would they be particularly more terrible than anything else that is likely to happen in future? If not, so what is spectacular about predictions on those dates?
  • Third, why are all these predictions restricted to Lagos alone? Is the spirit of prophecy restricted by space or are Lagosians due for special punishment, and by who?

I will leave you to struggle with these concerns.


God had spoken to His people via Prophets in the Old Testament (Moses to Israel, Eli to Hannah, Jonah to Nineveh, Nathan to David, and so on). This practice/medium was as a result of the bridge that sin created between God and man. Fortunately, by the death of Christ and the tearing of the temple veil ‘from top to bottom’ (Matt. 27:51), that bridge was closed; man could now talk to, and hear from God without any aid. However, God gave a few people prophecy (as a gift) to help in His cause (1 Cor. 12).

Also, knowing that satan is real and able to DECEIVE THE WHOLE WORLD (Rev. 12:9), God gave several warning about counterfeiting this gift of prophecy. Some of them are;

1John 4:1- Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world

Isa. 8:20- To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them

Matt. 24:24- For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect

Hence, we must be careful to always match prophecy with the word of God, it’s almost easy to tell a false one when we are rooted in God’s word.


Notice the prophecies, warnings or messages in scripture, some of which are found in Jonah 3, Exodus 5, Daniel 2, Matt 24:29-31 (which was Jesus Himself speaking), you would observe the following important indicators;

  • Every Prophet always made significant reference to and acknowledged God as the source of their prophecy or message or warning.
  • More importantly, the messages were two sides in most cases, if not all. How do I mean? There was always an ‘assurance of hope’ or a direction on how to escape the wrath that was coming, after every negative prophecy. God never left His children in fear and anxiety.

Check that VN again and see if it meets these two specifications above? 


2Cor. 2:11b warns that we must not be ignorant of the schemes of the devil. We know he exists and that he is at war with God’s people and constantly trying to ‘prove a point’. We do not need a prophecy to tell us that the days are evil, much less one that confuses us by prophesying about disaster in Lagos on June 23rd, but disaster strikes in Plateau. God is not the author of confusion!

However, these do not replace the role of caution. ‘Watch and pray’ is the command we have from God. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline”. (2Tim. 1:7)

Nigeria has become a religiously-sick country; so many religious practices that it’s difficult to separate the false from truth. Some have resorted to selling their conscience to the highest bidder, and these ‘men of God’ would do all it takes to buy our conscience. Do not be deceived!

As we continue in the coming weeks, months and years, rather than fret over a few dates and ‘transportation in or out of Lagos, or travel by air in Nigeria’, believe the promise of God over your life in Psalm 91.


For reactions: 08099539328 (WhatsApp ONLY)

Sunday, 17 June 2018

Hello there!!!

It’s been a while I was here... Guess I have been busy or maybe overwhelmed with happenings in the polity. Happy holiday to those it may concern, I’ll come back to that soonest.

The past few weeks have been awash with significant happenings; the ‘transmission drama’, declarations of June 12 as new democracy day, signing into law of the #NotTooYoungToRun bill after a notable last sentence in Mr President’s May 29th speech. I still haven’t found out if that is the official name of the bill as it is in the books, but who cares right? Declaration of candidacy for 2019 and the opening of party conventions and most recently the glamorous trip of Nigeria’s Super Eagles to Russia and the unfortunate loss of their first 2018 World Cup fixture to Croatia. Pretty interesting country I must say! 

Well, today I have just a few sentences to write, and my emphasis is on religious tolerance. Religion in all its intent was to foster love, encourage unity, and deepen morals, unfortunately, a few have turned it to a ‘weapon of mass destruction’, turning brothers against themselves. As we celebrate, rest, or labor during this Muslim holiday; after one whole month of fast and prayer, we must resolve to love more, discard intolerance and respect one another’s beliefs... Evangelism must appeal to reason and not emotion, violence must be renounced in all its forms as a tool for religious advancement.

Let brotherly love continue!

Wednesday, 14 February 2018


So relationship seminars and talks appear the in-thing now... everyone has a solution or two about how to make your relationship right. But as far as am concerned, no one ever has all the explanation on why relationships go sour, or how to make them better.

In Prov. 30:18&19, Solomon; the wisest man in all of human history (and future), acknowledged that he didn’t seem to understand this mystery called love. If you ask me, that’s the way it stays; A MYSTERY! All we can ever do is share from the experiences we have had; whether or ourselves or others...

I have found several devastating ways NOT TO love, particularly, in an relationship with the opposite sex, and I’ll quickly share:

1. Don’t LOOSE YOUR IDENTITY while loving... 
Many young ladies and men do not even recognize themselves anymore, just because they are in a relationship. Your partner decides your friends, hobbies, occasions, e.t.c. That sounds more like bondage than love... Run!

2. Don’t love out of PRIDE...
If you feel you are doing him/her a favor by loving them, you most certainly would not love them genuinely. So what’s the point! Besides, God resists proud people (James 4:6)

3. Don’t love in REVENGE...
Are you in love with him/her as a way of getting back at someone for breaking your heart? Or are you claiming to loving him/her now because you feel it’s time to pay him/her back for all the emotional stress of getting her/him to say Yes? If this is the case with you, then you are mean! Vengeance belongs to God (Rom 12:19)

He/she is always hitting or raising their voice at you, but your thinking is always “he/she will change”. Or you sincerely think that He/she can’t break your heart because you think they love you too much to do that? My dear, people fight very to keep their spouse in a marriage, what makes you think a anyone is bound to remain in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with you? Wake up! Give it your best, but do that with your head.

5. Don’t love for the WRONG REASONS
He has red lips! She has round eyes! Oh she has very curvy hips! My other friends are in relationships. He/she is so cute! Or even something as incredible as; “Aww, he has sexy baritone voice”. Like seriously!? I hope you can deal with it when the other things you have not noticed he/she has begin to surface.

6. Don’t love BLINDLY...
Love ought to be patient, kind, humble, selfless, tolerant, gentle, and NOT blind! If yours is blind, please see an optician!

7. Don’t love for SEX...
This is one VERY HARD part, but yet from a  VERY SIMPLE instruction. Yes, blood runs through the vein. Yes, ‘body no be firewood’. Yes, you might be so in love. He/she might even threaten to break up, or pick a quarrel or what else is worse? Despite all these, Yes, you can say NO to premarital sex! If you have engaged in it, don’t just stop, walk away from that relationship, because you will do it over and over again! It’s a TALL ORDER, but it’s the right thing to do! Flee sexual immorality... It is a sin like no other (1 Cor 6:18)

1Jn 4:8 - He that loveth not knoweth not God; for GOD IS LOVE. Love in its true sense, is a Noun!

If he/she doesn’t ‘know’ God, he/she cannot love you! You see the ‘know’ is in inverted commas, I hope you know what that means.

Love with all of your heart, but take your head along! 


Trump’s Attempted Assassination: The ‘Morning’ After.

Photo Credit: Not mine Attempted and successful assassinations, as well as assassination plots against the US President are not a new dynami...