Saturday, 11 November 2017


So am sitting here thinking on what to share with y’all, and am really impressed to remind you on the importance of ‘little things’, so here...

“It is oftenest through the little things which seem so unworthy of notice that great good or evil is brought into our lives". Many times we are complacent and think that 'it doesn't matter', perhaps those things we think don't matter are the most important; having eternal consequences for us. It is "Only by acting upon principle in the tests of daily life" that "we acquire power to stand firm and faithful in the most dangerous and most difficult positions".

We ought always to remember that to our every word or deed we have a witness—the holy, sin-hating God. Hence we must always inquire “What would Jesus do were He in my place?” and measure every duty by this question "WWJD".

We must always ensure that under the constant guidance of the Holy Spirit, we always act from principle (right thinking) and not impulse, bearing in mind that "The only security for any soul is right thinking", and by this we may be respected of all men and beloved of God.

(E.G. White, 1957; Help in Daily Living, E.G. White Estate Inc.)

May God help us as we ensue faithfulness in little things, self discipline and guidance by principle. May we, by God's grace "guide our hearts with all diligence", so that we can enjoy abundant life in Jesus.

Have a rewarding week friends!

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