Saturday, 30 December 2017


Christmas is one holiday that has gained global significance over the years. The world over; December 25th is observed a holiday to mark the ‘supposed’ birth of Jesus. This short study is structured under three sub themes:

- The Birth of Jesus

- Origin of Christmas

- Celebrating Christmas


This is one event that changed the destiny of mankind forever. Let’s begin with Gen. 3:15; ”and I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”

One wonders why the use of the masculine pronoun instead of a feminine pronoun ‘her’ which is the correct pronoun for ‘the woman’. The answer is simple; Jesus was the promise in that text; He alone could crush the head of ‘the serpent’ (by rising from the death), while only suffering a bruise on his heel (his nail scared hands and riven side).

Some other texts that prophesy the birth of Jesus are:

Isaiah 7:14b; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. (Matt 1:18-23 was its fulfillment)

Micah 5:2; ”But thou, Beth-lehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.” (Matt. 2:1 was its fulfillment)

Here are thoughts from a Christian classic text; The Bible does not give us the precise time. Had the Lord deemed this knowledge essential to our salvation, He would have spoken through His prophets and apostles, that we might know all about the matter. But the silence of the Scriptures upon this point evidences to us that it is hidden from us for the wisest purposes. AH 477.2 Perhaps the same reason why the place of Moses’ grave was also not revealed to Israel.


December 25th 336 AD, was the first record of a Christmas celebration. Prior to this time, Antiochus Epiphanes IV, on December 25th, 168 B.C.E., set up in Jerusalem temple a statue of Zeus, to commemorate the birthday of the Greek sun god. It is believed that December 25 is also the chosen birth and worship day of numerous gods, e.g. Tammuz, Nimrod, Ra, etc.

From the scriptural point, some texts give us an insight as to what time in the year Christ must have been born. Luke 2:8; ”And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.” Here we see that the very same night Christ was born, shepherds were out in the field grazing their cattle into the night. It most certainly would have been any other time of the year, except the winter. If it were winter, the cattle would be in their barns/ranches, and the shepherds in their homes; probably getting warm by the fire.

From the above, we see that both the Bible and nature discredit the idea that Christ was born on the 25th of December; or even anytime within the winter season. Instead, Galatians 4:4a gives us the closes hint as to the time of Christ’s birth; ”but when the fulness of the time was come...


Now this is the part where there is a lot of controversy. If Christmas is not biblical, then is it okay to celebrate it? I will attempt this section by answering three questions: what does it mean to celebrate? Should Christmas be celebrated? What can/should we do on Christmas?

Firstly, what is a celebration? Oxford dictionary defines it as; to acknowledge (a special day or event) with social gathering or enjoyable activity; perform a religious ceremony; to honor or praise publicly. From this definition, one could conclude that celebrating Christmas would involve attending a gathering or congregation; social or religious, on the 25th of December, solely to commemorate the day. Other acts of celebrations could include speaking or writing to honor or publicly praise the day. 

Secondly, should Christmas be celebrated? My answer is YES and NO, and here is why;

  • There is no biblical injunction to do or not to do so.
  • Christmas has an origin that is anti-Christ, hence, it is laden with so much deceit and rebellion.
  • Celebrating and teaching that Christ was born on December 25th is false teaching. But like every other day, we ought to help the needy even on December 25th.
  • Most of the activities (excessive drinking and partying, e.t.c) that many engage in on this day, have no Christian theme, and lead away from Christ, instead of to Him.

Thirdly, what then should we do on Christmas? This is where emotions are wiped up and most lose reasoning on the subject. We have established that Christmas has no biblical root, however, we must not cease to live our lives and ‘let our lights so shine before men’, even at Christmas! Jesus expects us; with every opportunity, even at Christmas, to point each other to His truth. There are some who may never be reached at any other time, with the Goodnews about Jesus, except at Christmas. Jesus expects us, like Paul, to “become all things to all men, that we might by all means save some.” (1Cor. 9:19-22)

I like how this author advised we spend our Christmas (this may be a little lengthy, but I’ll end on this);

As the twenty-fifth of December is observed to commemorate the birth of Christ... It can be made to serve a very good purpose... The youth should not be left on Christmas to find their own amusement in vanity and pleasure seeking, in amusements which will be detrimental to their spirituality... Their desire to make gifts may be turned into pure and holy channels and made to result in good to our fellow men by supplying the treasury in the great, grand work for which Christ came into our world. Self-denial and self-sacrifice marked His course of action... AH 478

By the world the holidays are spent in frivolity and extravagance, gluttony and display.... Thousands of dollars will be worse than thrown away upon the coming Christmas and New Year’s in needless indulgences...instead of expending means merely for the gratification of the appetite or for needless ornaments or articles of clothing, we may make the coming holidays an occasion in which to honor and glorify God... Christmas and New Year celebrations can and should be held in behalf of those who are helpless.

I hope you have yourself a happy holiday and remember to show someone that Jesus loves you and them too! 


Saturday, 11 November 2017


So am sitting here thinking on what to share with y’all, and am really impressed to remind you on the importance of ‘little things’, so here...

“It is oftenest through the little things which seem so unworthy of notice that great good or evil is brought into our lives". Many times we are complacent and think that 'it doesn't matter', perhaps those things we think don't matter are the most important; having eternal consequences for us. It is "Only by acting upon principle in the tests of daily life" that "we acquire power to stand firm and faithful in the most dangerous and most difficult positions".

We ought always to remember that to our every word or deed we have a witness—the holy, sin-hating God. Hence we must always inquire “What would Jesus do were He in my place?” and measure every duty by this question "WWJD".

We must always ensure that under the constant guidance of the Holy Spirit, we always act from principle (right thinking) and not impulse, bearing in mind that "The only security for any soul is right thinking", and by this we may be respected of all men and beloved of God.

(E.G. White, 1957; Help in Daily Living, E.G. White Estate Inc.)

May God help us as we ensue faithfulness in little things, self discipline and guidance by principle. May we, by God's grace "guide our hearts with all diligence", so that we can enjoy abundant life in Jesus.

Have a rewarding week friends!

Sunday, 1 October 2017

57 Hearty Cheers!

It’s here again; this time it’s the 57th celebration of October 1st; day of Nigeria’s independence. Obviously, however, this years anniversary is perhaps the most decisive of many others before it. After exactly 50years of ‘celebrating’ independence in the heat of the civil war, Nigeria is yet again at a threshold as a nation; the indivisible, indissoluble unity of Nigeria continues to suffer a multiplicity of perspectives.

Among other issues, restructuring is the song that everyone seems to be singing in Nigeria at the moment. While I do not intend to complicate the debate, I am proposing a ‘more excellent way’ - mind transformation and love, will do the magic. 

How about if we loved each other the same; if we are first Nigerians before Hausa, Yoruba or Igbo? How about if we looked out for the interest of others as much and as sincerely as we sort ours? If we resolved to pursue peace regardless, trusting that the conquest of Peace always outlasts the victories of violence? How about if we simply choose ‘the more excellence way’; leaders and followers alike?

Meanwhile, it’s 57 hearty cheers; Happy Independence Day celebrations! For me, the best days for Nigeria still lie ahead, ‘the more excellent way’ will get us there a lot more faster.

Happy 57th Independence Day anniversary!

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Happy International Day of Peace


Happenings in the recent past have been so overwhelming, and have received so much comments from various quarters, that I deliberately refused to bore you with my own perspectives on the issues. Not because I don't count them relevant, but because somewhere along the line they have been captured in the midst of the many conversations going on on the various issues... However, am bringing something different today!

So world leaders have been meeting in the past days, on the neutral United Nations territory in New York, discussing the many issues that confront our world at the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly, under the Presidency of Miroslav Lajcak of Slovakia, and Secretary-ship of HE Mr. Anthonio Gutteres; whose first General Assembly session this is, since he took over office from Mr. Ban Ki Moon. Top on the agenda of deliberations at the UNGA is world peace, with so many cases in point.

It is on coincidence that today September 21st, also marks the United Nations declared International Day of Peace. That precisely is my point of emphasis in this piece of information. 

Granted, we have differences; that exactly is the nature of man - different, unique. Granted, there are inequalities, that has become also the nature of man - selfish, exploitative - even though a departure from the original intention at creation. Unfortunately, these tendencies have defied intervention, and would not go away. 

But in the face of these injustices, inequalities, selfishness, greed, corruption, exploitation and so many other ills which you may better articulate, our response is what determines which would reign - peace or total chaos. In times like these, when different voices are calling so loudly for, and making various demands; when drums are playing so loud that 'quiet' is so far from reach; when the argument is fiercest - WAR or PEACE? I hope you would understand the total defeat that comes from war, and the hope that peace offers; I hope that you choose Peace!

"Blessed" the good books say "are the peacemakers, for they shall inherit the earth". 


Monday, 21 August 2017

Love is Earned!

I have been thinking whether or whether not. Its not always so easy to state your position on a few issues that already attract a myriad of conflicting opinions and views. So this is me being frank and objective AMAP.

So I know a lot of you have seen many of very familiar posts on social media that recite all the reasons why a man isn't a real man, or attempt to advice men on why they must treat a woman right at all times and all that. I came across one of those yesterday, and it got me really thinking; not for the first time, but more carefully, especially in the light of some personal experiences in the recent past...

If certain things disqualifies a man from being a 'real man', like inability to take care of his woman, lack of focus, being flirtatious, lazy and all the other reasons that come to mind, shouldn't there also be certain things that disqualify a woman/lady from being a 'real woman' and justifies a man who refuses taking such a lady serious? While I will leave to you the many reasons that can disqualify a lady from being 'real', one is particularly troubling to me, and seems to me can be said of many young ladies now a days. There isn't such a turn off as a lady who has no foresight, focus, industry or even a mere thought of what direction she would love her life to go in 365 days; a lady who just lives satisfactory in here and now.

Don't get me wrong, women are beautiful creatures, who deserve special care and concern, who deserve to be treated as though they were taken out of men, because indeed they were. However, I strongly believe that being a real man or woman, goes way beyond biology. Men and women alike should EARN any kinds of special treatment from their partners. If he/she isn't worth all the trouble, please feel free to take your search elsewhere...

Shout out to all the hard working, industrious, purposeful and goal-oriented men and women out there. We all deserve the very best, and I do hope we get what we deserve.

Monday, 17 July 2017


So I have been meaning to write this article for a while and maybe I didn't just find the right motivation, but I got it this morning. Sure you are wondering 'how e take concern me'? Well, that's story for another day.

I saw this pretty lady yesterday on her way to church; apparently, my cousins Landlords daughter, and she was looking really nice with her face padded and lips glittering red. This morning I saw her again, this time in her pyjamas and natural face, and I almost didn't recognize Seun anymore, trust me she looked a lot more prettier than the lady I saw yesterday; dazzling light complexion, seemingly invisible mustache and bright eyes, I was moved say hello, and I sure did tell her she looked really pretty. You can vet she gave me the famous reply; "Like this?" They never believe they are pretty unless they have their make-ups on.

Make-ups have increasingly become more of a 'ritual' than a what they are meant to be; 'make-ups'. Eyebrows on fleek, eye shadows (sometimes of weird colors), foundations in multiple layers, contours, and lips almost dripping from coloring, and sadly any lady who isn't able to have all these on, especially on an outing, feels less than a lady. This is even outside the recent explosion in the make-up industry, where literally almost every lady has become a make-up artist.

If you think am kidding, the next time you go on a public function, look out for a Lady who isn't on some serious makeup, you may only find, in this category, children less than 12years of age, and may not even find a lot of them. I know some people are getting their axes ready to chop my head off, but hear me out first.

Make-ups are great. Even the very heavy ones are great on a few occasions, and can save some people a blackmail on their self-esteem, but make-ups are not necessary all the time, and more so not even really necessary for some people, because without mincing words; it completely masks their beauty.

So my point is, make-ups are not meant for every lady. The African woman was created beautiful; with amazing finishing and every feature factory fitted by God. So my dear lady, find out what works for you! Could be just a little powder to keep your face dry, a little lotion to keep your lips moist. But if you must do the whole eyebrows, eye shadow, foundation and all, then good luck with those, and while you are at it, at least be modest. By the way, guess I should let you also know that the 'gentlemen' like it natural. Or gentlemen, am I missing anything?

Sunday, 9 July 2017


WARNING! Some of the pictures attached are graphic. Viewers discretion is advised!

I can't believe I finally got myself to write on this subject. I had deliberately decided not to make any statement about all of these, not like I had any magic words though. But beginning with the May 30 2017 curfew declared by easterners in the south southern and especially south eastern regions of Nigeria, to the October 1 ultimatum by the Northern youth in retaliation to what they considered a breach of the constitution and citizens right to freedom of movement and association, and the mounting agitations for secession, here I am, asking myself the very same questions you might also be finding answers to...

On Thursday, July 6th 2017, which coincidentally happened to be my birthday, Nigeria marked exactly 50 years since the declaration of military action against the Republic of Biafra by the General Yakubu Gowon led Federal Military Government on the 6th of July 1967. The next 30months from this date witnessed what has till date accounted for the bloodiest and most devastating conflict since the history of the entity called Nigeria. This antecedent is particularly significant especially in the wake of the recent and growing call for secession by the Igbo's to create a Republic of Biafra, and the many waters that are getting troubled thereby.

Having conscientiously built what many, and even he called 'the biggest army in black Africa', Ojukwu was convinced that a war would bring the freedom needed to emancipate the Igbo's from oppression, marginalization, deprivation (all of which are claims of today's Biafra agitation) by the Nigerian government. The war was full scale; approximately 915 days (sunset and sunrise) of bleak hopes, maimed bodies, sour experiences, whether they knew or not the issues resulting in the war, or whether or not they were in support of it. Even Biafran women were at the mercy of Biafran soldiers, children were coerced into combatant roles, older men and women were left vulnerable to flying aimless, and most times targeted grenades and bullets. Having expended two and half years, approximately 5million dollars and loosing close to two million lives, the Biafran leader; for whatever reason, left his soldiers on the battle field and sort asylum abroad, bringing an end to the Civil War, with Biafra defeated. The 'gains' and 'spoils' of the war are subject to whatever arguments you have of them.

Wars, some consider as 'continuation of politics by other means', some others as 'a process for making peace'. Whatever the understanding, regardless the rationale for them, wars are ALWAYS initiated by and serve 'a few' interests, as opposed to those of the masses. The recent Biafra agitations, as apt and timely as they may be thought to be, require more diplomacy than irrationality, more dialogue than conflict. Regardless how beautiful the Biafran dream, it shouldn't be built on the blood of Biafrans themselves, neither is the Unity of Nigeria worth any Nigerian life...

50 years down the line, the sad stories of this unfortunate conflict continue to be told in homes, schools and indeed everywhere across the state, it's ugly scars are still visible even in the economic, political and social life. The question however is, have the lessons being learnt? Your guess is as good as mine.

I wish both Nigeria and the IPOB the very best in the days and months ahead.

"If it be possible, as much as lies in you, live peaceably with all men".

Monday, 29 May 2017

Reminiscing CHANGE 730 days later...

Beyond the ritual of churning out a statement to commemorate the day, the President's Address to the nation on Democracy Day (29th of May), as with every other remarkable day, is intended to serve as a mirror into the direction of the government in the period under review.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the Democracy Day address for this year was made by the Vice President, in acting capacity as the President, while President Buhari continues his INDEFINITE medical vacation in the UK (that is talk for another day).

Three issues stood out in Professor Osinbajo's address today, namely; Security, Corruption and the Economy. He continued by stating reasons why he and the rest of the government feel that some amount of progress is being made in these areas: the seeming conquer of the Book Haram sect; the prosecution of individuals alleged for corrupt practices; and several ongoing efforts to reverse the economic trend in Nigeria with initiatives as Economic Monitoring Team, Single Treasury Account, among others...

My submission is simple; we may not need an official address to let us know our current status as a nation, the living condition and hardship of ordinary Nigerians speak volumes already. While we must agree that governance is more of a journey than a destination, it is not gainsaying that Nigeria has been on this journey for way too long, and Nigerians seem to have become 'weary of travelling', but sadly the end may still be fat from sight.

I still believe in the Nigerian dream; I believe that little by little, tiny deeds of kindness and integrity in 180+ million places, will birth a Nigeria of our dreams. Hence, all hands must be on deck!

Happy Democratic Anniversary to Africa's Sleeping Giant!

Sunday, 29 January 2017

Dead or Alive? The tale of two Nigerian Presidents.

So this happens to be my first post this year, and one may wonder why I choose to write on this subject among the many issues that beg for attention in today's Nigeria. Well, before I give any explanation, i would wish you all my very articulate readers the very best of the year 2017. And I hope also that you make more comments on this blog in the new year...

History doesn't always repeat itself. But many are fearful that might just be the case, especially with the 10day vacation of President Muhammadu Buhari to the UK and the various suspicions trailing this 'silent' vacation. On the 23rd November 2009, Late President Umar Musa Yar' Adua departed Nigeria on a similar vacation and medical checkup in Saudi Arabia. What was supposed to take just a few days or maybe weeks, latest for several months, without any formal communication to Nigerians the state of their own elected representative. In fact, the Supreme Court of Nigeria, on 22 January 2010, gave the Federal Executive Council (FEC) fourteen days to decide a resolution on whether Yar'Adua was "incapable of discharging the functions of his office". When the silence persisted, with its attendant unfortunate controversies, the Upper house of the National Assembly, on 9th February 2010, invoked the "doctrine of necessity" and transferred Presidential Powers to Vice President Goodluck Jonathan, declaring him Acting President, with all the accompanying powers, until Yar'Adua returned to full health.

On Tuesday Jan. 17, President Buhari wrote to the Senate informing the 'red chamber' of his intention to go on a "short medical vacation" from January 23rd to February 6th, in accordance with the Section 145 (1) of the 1999 constitution as amended, also stating that his Vice; Professor Yemi Osinbajo would "perform the functions of my office" while on vacation. Nigerians have since began to speculate that President Buhari is too sick to continue in office, some have even gone as far as pronouncing him dead.

Many have asked my views on the issue, and here is what I think; first, it is too early for panic and speculations as the medical vacation period has not elapsed, we can begin those speculations if on February 6th we are told that the vacation has been extended. Secondly, President Buhari stated clearly in his letter to the Senate that his Vice would act as President while he is away, so we are not afraid of an interregnum as it was in the case of Late President Yar' Adua. Thirdly, and more sentimental, I strongly recommend that we all pray and wish our dear President Buhari quick recovery and safe return to duty, as he has a country to fix. It would be unfair that he led us this far into recession to leave us here, that's on a lighter note. So on my own behalf, I wish President Muhammadu Buhari a quick recovery and safe return to duty...

Please share this post, and don't forget to drop your wishes for PMB on the comment section below. Gracias!

Trump’s Attempted Assassination: The ‘Morning’ After.

Photo Credit: Not mine Attempted and successful assassinations, as well as assassination plots against the US President are not a new dynami...