Friday, 24 February 2023

It is POssible!

This one is going to be really short, so you can read all of it in 60 seconds.

I have delayed writing anything about this election until now, not like I had a plan, but somehow I just haven’t brought myself to do it, even though I have really wanted to say something so badly! Maybe because I was struggling with the dilemma of whether or not to be partisan. But hey, I am a Nigerian too, and I want to see a ‘New Nigeria’ that works!

Here is something one of my senior colleagues had to say about the election, particularly the Presidential election; “Talking about the possibility of creating a Malaysia out of Nigeria,  objectively,  there is no other candidate as Mr Peter Obi, but then, Nigeria presents a complexity that goes beyond meet the eye…”. 

The politics of Nigeria is scary and goes way beyond logic, but frankly all we have to do is keep trying, and here is one of the best opportunities we ever had to TRY something a lot different. I have always had the believe that our ‘messiah’ in Nigeria cannot come from among them, yet there is one from among them this time that appears like a ‘messiah’.

PO will not give us all the answers, but he would give us something to look forward to which will be different, largely, from what we have known in the last 24 years. Let’s take the chance guys, there is so much at stake! 

Having the PVCs is not enough guys! We need to go out there this time and use them! All the elections are important, but we have our eyes on Saturday, February 25th. 

I BELIEVE THAT A NEW NIGERIA IS POssible! If you do too, just say ‘POSSIBLE’ in the comment section! 🥂

Wednesday, 1 February 2023

February 25: The New Valentine’s Day in Nigeria!

Ladies and Gentlemen! Let’s reserve the ‘Happy New Month’ for February and the ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’ till the end of the month abeg, because we’ll only know if the month was happy after the 25th. We are literally 25 days away from a very defining moment in our lives and future as Nigerians! A lot has been, and is still being said about the elections and the need to be strategic and very intentional about this one. Not only would the February 25th Presidential elections determine the next four or most likely eight years for Nigeria and Nigerians, it would determine many many more years after that, truth be told!

Am sure you have made up your mind already on who to vote and collected your PVC (or going to get yours today or tomorrow), and decided how involved you want to get in this civic responsibility we have as Nigerians, and rare privilege we have as individuals to determine our own future. I would not bore you with candidate credentials and track record , there is a lot of information out there, in case you need to know a little more (I would wonder what you have been doing since not to have as much information as you need by now though).

I just thought to send you a quick reminder of how very very crucial this month is for us as eligible voting Nigerians. Allow me to use bullet points for better articulation (no pun intended abeg). 

  1. Of all the 18 parties fielding candidates for the office of the President, at least we have tasted two of them, and I am not sure how they taste in your mouth (because sweetness is in the mouth of the taster … As e dey pain us, e fit dey sweet you 🤷🏽‍♂️). We have had doses of APC and PDP, and it is definitely time to taste something else, or so I think.
  2. Unlike past elections, there is a new kid on the block - Labour Party - thanks to Mr. Peter Obi and the massive support he has received in the last few months. Apparently, we are no longer thorn between two evils, there is a third ‘evil’ at least, which we have not tried. And at this point, I don’t think the devil we know is better than the angel we do not know, let’s get to meet the angel first then we can decide, or what do you think? 
  3. Unlike previous elections, where ‘the two elephants’ have refused to show up for debate and have gone about abusing one another (as they are still doing in this one) we have one candidate who goes on talking to everyone who cares to listen (on radio, TV interviews, session with youth and students, leaders of businesses and industry, online audience on any platform that makes itself available, and so on) about his plans for Nigerians and Nigeria, dedication and commitment to office, and upholding values we can hold him accountable for - commitment, character and competence. These are leadership ethics that would drive us many miles forward as a nation, or what do you think?
  4. Unlike previous elections, where votes have been sold by hungry Nigerians to bidder who sort these votes by hook or crook (and are still seeking them sort by all means even now), we have a candidate who has openly told supporters (the same hungry Nigerians) that he would not buy their votes, but rather would do all he can to stop them from going hungry if they trust him with their votes. I just hope hunger and greed would not cloud our minds from choosing wisely this time around.

The list goes on, but abeg am tired (Do you want to add to my list in the comment section, please?)? Thinking about the justifications and shameful defense people have sometimes for publicly justifying their choice of ‘old wine’ makes me sick beyond my stomach. Like how nau!? Anyways, some would literally walk into the fire with their eyes wide open, what do you do?

My dear country people, we have NEVER had it this good in the political history of Nigeria in terms of political options and very vivid prospects for political change. Just what if these options and political realities are unfolding before us for such a time as this? The future (not eight years) is a really long time for us to make any irrational, non-strategic, selfish decisions about. 90+ million registered voters, 60+ million registered voters within ages 49 and below. What better way than through the ballot? What better day than February 25 2023, to really decide the future we want? 

The die would be cast any moment soon! What’s it going to be? Use your head and heart guys! 

Feel free to share your thoughts too 🙏🏽

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